How to fix laptop screen flickering in 2024

How to fix laptop screen flickering? is the common problem faced by many laptop users. If you’re losing or having trouble with your laptop, a problem that sometimes shows up in the form of an LCD screen or something like it, then I suggest trying this on your own. It will help determine what is wrong with your machine and may even come to the conclusion that what is causing it. A laptop will often give off some type of warning on everything from problems running, but if that doesn’t seem to be happening, keep checking for changes in the driver and make sure the power or battery is still operating on the same settings. As long as it makes no difference, don’t panic. Some types of problems just happen. That is why it’s important to know the first thing to do is to check your laptop every once in a while. The key thing to remember here is to see if there are enough times to check regularly. It’s likely that anything that seems abnormal will go away very quickly. Just be sure the driver for Windows is the same for all versions of Windows 10 or Windows 7. If it doesn’t work, then it must be due to something else, such as a bad battery or a corrupt hard drive (if you have one). Before learning about how to fix laptop screen flickering you needs to check why is my laptop screen flickering?

Why is my laptop screen flickering

Screen flickering is a common issue with laptops, usually there are 2 reasons for this. The first one is the computer graphics card overheating. The second reason could be that the laptop needs an update or a monitor-specific setting need to be changed.

The screen flickering could happen due to graphics card overheating, it could also be due to other software and driver problems.

When laptops are having issues or they seem to be falling apart, they can sometimes give different symptoms depending on their age, health, and environment. Laptop screen flickering is a common issue that can be caused by many factors. Some common causes are given bellow.

1) Screen brightness is set too high.

2) Display settings are set incorrectly.

3) The laptop screen has an incorrect refresh rate.

4) The laptop’s graphics card has a problem.

5) There is an external interference with the laptop’s display cable, or the video card in the laptop.

6) There is a problem with the graphics driver for the graphics card in your laptop.

7) The video memory on your video card in your laptop might be faulty or damaged.

8) Your computer may need servicing to fix a hardware issue that could be causing this issue (e.g., loose connection).

How to fix laptop screen flickering

If your laptop screen keeps flickering, you should be looking for a solution that can fix the issue.

Step 1: Remove the battery.

Step 2: Plug in the power cord and turn on your laptop.

Step 3: Press and hold Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then press Enter key to restart your laptop.

Step 4: If necessary, go to Control Panel > System > Device Manager, right-click on Display Adapters, select Properties > Power Management tab > Maximum display power.

Step 5: Leave this tab open and do not close it or else it will not work correctly when you are finished. Close other open windows before proceeding to the next step.

There are a few other things that you can do before deciding to have your laptop repaired or replaced like updating the computer’s graphics card drivers, using the laptop in safe mode, trimming down background programs and checking for malware on your device.

In this article you learned about how to fix laptop screen flickering? I hope that now you will be able to get rid of screen flickering problem.


“In troubleshooting laptop screen flickering, understanding the root causes is key to finding effective solutions. From outdated drivers to hardware malfunctions, the array of potential issues requires a systematic approach to resolve. By updating graphics drivers, adjusting display settings, and checking physical connections, many common causes of flickering can be addressed.

Remember, software tools like Windows Troubleshooter and manufacturer-specific diagnostics can be invaluable in diagnosing and remedying the issue. However, if screen flickering persists despite your efforts, seeking professional assistance is advisable to ensure a thorough inspection of potential hardware problems.

If you’re using an ASUS Expert Book B9450 and encountering screen flickering, referring to our guide on ASUS Expert Book B9450 troubleshooting might offer specific insights tailored to your device. With these troubleshooting methods at hand, you’re better equipped to tackle and resolve laptop screen flickering, ensuring a smoother, uninterrupted usage of your device.”

Read More: Why my laptop responds very slowly


1. What causes laptop screens to flicker?

Screen flickering in laptops can result from various factors, including outdated or corrupted graphics drivers, incompatible apps, display settings, hardware issues like a loose connection, or a failing backlight.

2. How can I troubleshoot screen flickering on my laptop?

Begin by updating your graphics drivers through the Device Manager or the manufacturer’s website. Adjust the screen refresh rate and resolution settings, and boot into Safe Mode to check for software-related issues. Inspect the physical connections and try connecting your laptop to an external monitor to rule out hardware problems.

3. Is there software to diagnose and fix screen flickering?

Some diagnostic tools like Windows Troubleshooter or third-party software offered by laptop manufacturers can help identify and potentially resolve screen flickering issues. Additionally, utilities for adjusting display settings or repairing corrupted system files might aid in fixing the problem.

4. Should I seek professional help for persistent screen flickering?

If troubleshooting steps don’t resolve the screen flickering, seeking assistance from a certified technician or the laptop manufacturer’s support team might be necessary. Persistent flickering could indicate a more complex hardware issue that requires professional diagnosis and repair.

Feel free to expand on these FAQs in your blog, providing step-by-step instructions, tips, and recommended tools or software to help users effectively address and resolve laptop screen flickering problems.